International Space Weather Initiative in Slovakia
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Goal of the ISWI |
ISWI is a program of international cooperation to advance the space weather science by a combination of instrument deployment, analysis and interpretation of space weather data from the deployed instruments in conjunction with space data, and communicate the results to the public and students. ISWI is a follow-up activity to the successful IHY 2007, but focusing exclusively on space weather.
The goal of the ISWI is to develop the scientific insight necessary to understand the science, and to reconstruct and forecast near-Earth space weather. This includes instrumentation, data analysis, modeling, education, training, and public outreach.
Steering committee |
Ivan Dorotovič (ISWI National Coordinator, NC SCOSTEP - member, NC COSPAR - chair and representative, NC IAU - member, Solar Section of the Slovak Astronomical Society of the SAS - chair; Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo
Ronald Langer (Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Department of Space Physics, Košice and detached high altitude Observatory at Lomnický štít)
Adriena Ondrášková (Division of Physics of the Earth, DAPEM, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics amd Informatics, CU, Bratislava)
Pavol Rapavý (Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers)
Miloš Revallo (NC SCOSTEP - chair and representative, NC COSPAR - secretary; Earth Science Institute SAS, Geophysical Division, Bratislava)
Ján Rybák (NC SCOSTEP - member, NC COSPAR – member, NC IAU – member; Astronomical Institute SAS, Tatranská Lomnica)
Fridrich Valach (Earth Science Institute SAS, Geophysical Division, Bratislava, Geomagnetic Observatory Hurbanovo)
Note: after clicking on a committee member you have to delete space before "@" in your email program!
Participating institutions |
Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Tatranská Lomnica / High Altitude Observatory at Lomnický štít
Earth Science Institute SAS, Geophysical Division, SAS, Bratislava / Geomagnetic Observatory, Hurbanovo
Institute of Experimental Physics SAS (Department of Space Physics), Košice
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
(Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Division of Physics of the Earth), Comenius University, Bratislava
Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo
Astronomical Obseravtory in Rimavská Sobota, Slovak Union of Astronomers
Astronomical Obseravtory in Partizánske
Astronomical Obseravtory and Planetarium of M. R. Štefánik in Hlohovec
Scientific activities |
Presentation (PDF 5.8 MB, PPT 18.5 MB) of scientific activities of
institutes of SAS, universities and astronomical observatories in Slovakia
APVV and VEGA projects
Centre of Space Research: Space Weather Influences - center of excellence consists of AI SAS in Tatranská Lomnica, IEP SAS in Košice and Institute of Physics of the University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice
Scientific activities of astronomical observatories
Observational activities |
Spectropolarimetry of the solar corona and prominences (CoMP-S, Lyot filter 500 - 1100 nm with polarimeter) - High altitude observatory at Lomnický štít
Cosmic rays at high altitude laboratory Lomnický štít
Secondary cosmic radiation and the atmospheric electricity at high altitude laboratory Lomnický štít
Magnetic field of the Earth - Geomagnetical Observatory, Hurbanovo
Solar activity and Magnetic field of the Earth - SCO Hurbanovo
Observation of the Sun (status in 2010) - Astronomical Obseravtory in Rimavská Sobota (Powerpoint, 9.3 MB)
SID monitor - registration of solar flares (explanation of the detection method): J. Karlovský (Hlohovec) a R. Slošiar (Bojnice) constructed their own SID monitors, which were installed in Bojnice and in the Observatories Hlohovec, Partizánske, and Roztoky. J. Karlovský constructed also one SuperSID monitor.
SID monitoring - Hlohovec, Partizánske.
In the frame of the ISWI program were installed in Slovakia the following instruments: in 2011 a radio spectrometer CALLISTO (in the SCO Hurbanovo; e-Callisto). Since May 2014, a particle detector SEVAN (Space Environmental Viewing and Analysis Network) has been installed in the high-altitude laboratory on the Lomnicky štít.
The list of available instruments is at the ISWI page, in the section "Projects / Instrument projects".
Status of SID monitoring in Slovakia in 2011 was summarized in a poster SID Monitoring in Slovakia which was presented during the Second UN/NIGERIA Workshop on ISWI, October 17-21, 2011, Abuja, Nigeria.
J. Karlovský from the Astronomical Observatory in Hlohovec constructed also a radio spectrometer using a RTL-SDR receiver: current record of the radio spectrogram.
Events |
2010: SCO Hurbanovo - 20th National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Papradno 2010, 31 May - 4 June, 2010 (Proceedings of the Meeting)
International conference Bioclimate 2010 ((Proceedings of the Conference - 25,5 MB), 7.-9.9.2010, Praha, ČR
Centre of cosmic studies: influences on space weather - conference "Centre of Cosmic Studies: Objectives and Results", 7.-9.10.2010, Tatranská Lomnica
1st ISWI UN/NASA/ESA/JAXA Workshop, November 6-10, 2010, Helwan, Egypt ((Poster "ISWI in Slovakia" - 7.4 MB).
ZIRO (ZImné ROztoky) 2011, 17 - 19 February 2011, Astronomical Observatory Roztoky (in collaboration with SUH Hurbanovo,
ÚFV PF UPJŚ in Košice and SAS-SAV) - workshop for scientific workers of astronomical institutions, observers, advanced amateur astronomers, and students of astronomy dealing with research in stelar astronomy, solar physics, interplanetary matter, and with
astronomical instruments. In the scientific programme of solar section will be participants informed about solar observations and research in astronomical institutions in Slovakia.
2011 ISWI Summer School in Space Science, 21 - 27 August 2011, Astronomical Institute of SAS, Tatranská Lomnica - major objectives of the summer school included teaching the fundamental knowledge and skills in investigation of space weather phenomena and training of working with instruments deployed in the frame of the ISWI program.
Second UN/NIGERIA Workshop on ISWI, October 17-21, 2011, Abuja, Nigeria. (poster SID Monitoring in Slovakia)
SCO Hurbanovo - 21st National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Stará Turá 2012, 18 - 22 June 2012, (Proceedings of the Meeting)
United Nations/Austria Symposium on Data Analysis and Image Processing for Space Applications and Sustainable Development: Space Weather, Graz, 18 - 21 September 2012.
Third UN/Ecuador Workshop on ISWI, 8 - 12 October, 2012, Ecuador.
United Nations/Austria Symposium on Space Weather Data, Instruments and Models:
Looking Beyond the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI), Graz, 16 - 18 September 2013.
ZIRO (ZImné ROztoky) 2013, 14 - 16 November 2013, Astronomical Observatory Roztoky (in collaboration with SUH Hurbanovo,
ÚFV PF UPJŚ in Košice and SAS-SAV) - workshop for scientific workers of astronomical institutions, observers, advanced amateur astronomers, and students of astronomy dealing with research in stelar astronomy, solar physics, interplanetary matter, and with
astronomical instruments. In the scientific programme of solar section will be participants informed about solar observations and research in astronomical institutions in Slovakia.
SCO Hurbanovo - 22nd National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Nižná nad Oravou 2014, 26 - 30 May 2014 (Proceedings of the Meeting).
UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather "Science and Data Products from ISWI Instruments", 2-6 March 2015, Fukuoka, Japan (Poster "Solar Radio Spectrometers in Slovakia –status report" - 1.8 MB).
SCO Hurbanovo - 23rd National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Liptovský Mikuláš, 30 May - 3 June 2016 (Proceedings of the Meeting)
UN/US Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative "The Decade after the International Heliophysical Year 2007", 31 July - 4 August 4, 2017, Boston College, Boston, USA ((Poster "Space weather research in Slovakia and related ISWI activities in the last decade" - 5.8 MB).
SCO Hurbanovo - 24th National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Kežmarok, 21 - 25 May 2018 (Proceedings of the Meeting)
UN/ICTP Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative, 20-24 May, 2019, Trieste, Italy.
SCO Hurbanovo - 25th National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, 20 - 22 October 2020, Hurbanovo - online.
Iberian Summer School on Space Weather, OGAUC Coimbra, Portugal and University in Alcalá, Spain - online, 26 - 30 July 2021
Slovakia National Space Safety Programme (S2P) Study Workshop - online, 15 February 2022
SCO Hurbanovo - 26th National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, 6 - 10 June 2022, Piešťany.
Iberian Summer School on Space Weather, Coimbra, Portugal, 26 - 30 June 2023
UN Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative: The Way Forward, Vienna, 26 - 30 June 2023
Popularizational activities |
Presentation of activities related to astrophysics, geomagnetism, cosmical geophysics and space weather during 'European Researchers' Night', SCO and GO ESISAS Hurbanovo / Geophysical Division ESISAS Bratislava, 28 September 2018.
Astronomical observatories and planetaria in Slovakia - perform training activities for amateur astronomers, students, organize astronomical competitions, inform public with new knowledge in astronomy and other scientific fields during lectures, guided tours and public observations.
Day of Observatories and Planetariums in Slovakia - astronomical programs for public.
Astronomical Observatory Partizánske - Star* Party - Sun, 22-24 October 2010 - workshop wss intended for all people interested in amateur astronomical observations, whereas the program is focused on the Sun and its observation.
AI SAS in Tatranská Lomnica performs popularizational activity in the form of seminars for teachers and guided tours (open house days) in individual observatories of the institute (Excursions in the AISAS).
Presentation on solar activity and space weather suitable for high-school students (Powerpoint 3.3 MB).
Project SPACE::LAB, DSP IEP SAS, Košice - Expand your space to infinite SPACE, an opportunity to extend the boundaries of your knowledge and get a better understanding of the universe.
Coming events |
SCO Hurbanovo - 27th National Solar Physics Meeting with participants also from abroad, Košice, 3 - 7 June 2024
Main ISWI page and selected pages on space weather |
Visit the international ISWI page, the UNOOSA/ISWI page,
and selected websites indicating current status of the space weather:
NOAA/NWS Space Weather Prediction Center.
Regional Warning Centre Prague, Czech Republic.
SPINLab (Space-Planetary Interactions monitoring and forecasting Laboratory) Coimbra (Portugal).
github: SPACE::LAB, Košice.
Created by:
Webmaster: I. Dorotovič ivan.dorotovic [at]
Design: V. Dorotovič
Last update: 24-01-2024